
The repositories perform general functions of documents.

They are obtained through the getRepository method of the mandango:

$articleRepository = $mandango->getRepository('Model\Article');
$authorRepository = $mandango->getRepository('Model\Author');


The embedded documents don’t have repositories.

Finding by ID

The repositories implement the findById and findOneById methods to find documents by id:

// one
$article = $articleRepository->findOneById($id);

// several
$articles = $articleRepository->findById(array($id1, $id2, $id3));

Mandango implements the IdentityMap pattern, so when you find a document and the document has been found already, the same document is returned.


You can use a \MongoId object or a string.

Saving Documents

To save documents you can also use the ->save() method of the repositories, which is the one that the save method of the documents uses internally:

 // saving a document

 // saving several documents
$articleRepository->save(array($article1, $article2));


To insert documents it is used the batchInsert method, and to update the atomic operations one, so both functions are done in a very efficient way.


Inserting document through the repository directly is useful when you have to insert more than one document. This way all the operation is done in the same batchInsert.

Deleting Documents

The same logic that with the save method is applied here:

// deleting a document

// deleting several documents
$articleRepository->delete(array($article1, $article2));


It is also very useful to delete a lot of documents from the repository, because it uses the $in operator.


The repositories have the group method, which is a shortcut to the group method of the repositories:

$result = $repository->group($keys, $initial, $reduce);
$result = $repository->group($keys, $initial, $reduce, $options); // options optional

// the same as
$result = $repository
    ->group($keys, $initial, $reduce, $options)


The repositories have the distinct method to execute distinct commands easily:

$result = $repository->distinct($field);
$result = $repository->distinct($field, $query); // query optional

// the same as
$result = $repository
        'distinct' => $repository->getCollectionName(),
        'key'      => $field,
        'query'    => $query,

Map Reduce

The repositories have the mapReduce method to execute map reduces commands easily:

$result = $repository->mapReduce($map, $reduce, $out);
$result = $repository->mapReduce($map, $reduce, $out, $query, $options); // more args (optionals)

// the same as
$result = $repository
    ->command(array_merge($options, array(
        'mapreduce' => $repository->getCollectionName(),
        'map'       => $map,
        'reduce'    => $reduce,
        'out'       => $out,
        'query'     => $query,


You can get the mandango connection of the documents from the repository through the ->getConnection() method:

$connection = $articleRepository->getConnection();


You can also obtain the mongo collection to perform operations directly with the ->getConnection() method:

$collection = \Model\Article::getRepository()->getCollection();